Nice to meet you

Hi there,I’m AYAD CHOKRIVisual UI/UX Designer and Web Developer

Currently working as a freelancer. I work with passionate people and companies to create products and services that have exceptional user experience.

Thanks for stopping by!


UI/UX Designer with a passion for designing beautiful and functional user experiences.

  • UX design
  • UI design
  • Interaction design
  • Research
  • Making it "pop"
  • Drinking coffee
  • Part coder
  • Front-end development
  • HTML / CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Eating Spaghetti
  • Swearing at computer


Web Developer who focuses on writing clean, elegant and efficient code.

  • Front-end development
  • HTML / CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Eating Spaghetti
  • Swearing at computer
  • FullStack
  • PHP

Engineer by Qualification, Designer by Choice!

Ayad Chakri, a Tunisian computer engineer, possesses outstanding technical and artistic skills and has a distinguished track record in the field of interface development and user experience design. Since the beginning of his professional career, Ayad has been known for his creativity and keen attention to detail, earning the trust of numerous clients and business owners.

Ayad Chakri began his professional journey after obtaining his degree in computer science engineering and boldly decided to work as a freelancer starting from 2013. His professional career started with the design and development of user interfaces, where he focused on achieving both aesthetics and practical functionality in his designs, adding his unique creative touch.

His creativity is not limited to interface design alone; he also possesses excellent user experience skills, always putting the user's interests first. He continually strives to deliver exceptional and inspiring user experiences, making sure to meet the needs of the target audience in the best possible ways.

As a tech enthusiast, Ayad is well-versed in various fields, including front-end and back-end interface development, as well as web application development using cutting-edge technologies. He is also knowledgeable in graphic techniques and graphic design, allowing him to showcase boundless creativity in graphics, logos, and banners.

Since 2013 until now, Ayad has achieved remarkable success in his independent projects and ensures complete satisfaction for his clients. He has the ability to efficiently manage projects as a professional director, achieving desired goals by focusing on details and quality.

Intersection of design, business and marketing

Thanks to my study background, I am communicating UX/UI design with specific company priorities, while at the same time delivering a wonderful user experience.

I collaborate with a select freelance user base to build amazing products and technologies outside of my full-time obligations.

To ensure that your consumers and visitors are happy when they use your products and services online, I am passionate about creating & developing interactive experiences.

I really enjoy recording and sharing my experience with the world to help others succeed and improve.

Making people happy by making things simple

As technology progresses, things are becoming more and more complicated. As a designer, I have a special opportunity to make these challenging processes simple, delightful and enjoyable every day.

Design helps us to separate ourselves by demonstrating care and attention to our clients and consumers. Everyone values architecture either actively or unconsciously. That's why I enjoy making creative, meaningful and elegant products that make both designers and consumers happy.


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