5 tips for getting started UI/UX Design in 2023

5 tips for getting started UI/UX Design in 2023

If you’re interested in getting started in UX/UI design in 2023, Here are some tips to help you get started :

1. First and foremost, it’s important to gain a solid foundation in design principles. This includes things like the Basics of UI layout, color theory, typography, and user-centered design. You can start learning these concepts through online courses or by reading books/Articles on design.

Here are some free resources to learn UX:

 Websites and Blogs
– Learn UX (learnux.io)
– Laws of UX (lawsofux.com)
– UX Collective (uxdesign.cc)
– The NN Group (nngroup.com)
– Inside Design (https://lnkd.in/dpN6JuQb)
– Adobe XD Blog (blog.adobe.com)
– UX Planet (uxplanet.org)

 YouTube Channels
– DesignCourse
– Mike Locke
– Aj & Smart
– Femke.design
– Ansh Mehra
– Jesse Showalter
– Career Foundry

2. In addition to learning design principles, it’s also helpful to develop your technical skills. This includes things like learning how to use design tools AdobeXD or Figma. You can learn these tools from these free YouTube channels:
– Figma
– DesignCourse
– Bring your own laptop
– Jesse Showalter
– Flux Academy

3. Networking is an important part of any career, and UX/UI design is no exception. Attend design events and conferences, join online design communities, and consider joining a local design group or meetup. This will help you meet other designers and learn from more experienced professionals.

4. Finally, it’s important to get real-world experience and practice. One way to do this is to work on personal projects or to offer your design services to non-profits or small businesses. This will give you the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned and gain valuable portfolio pieces.

Resources to practice UX and UI
– fakeclients.com
– goodbrief.io
– uxchallange.co
– dailyui.co

5. UX/UI design is a constantly evolving field, and it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques. Make sure to set aside time to continue learning and growing as a designer.

Stay up to date with these UI inspiration sites
Behance (behance.net)
Dribbble (dribbble.com)
Awwwards (awwwards.com)
Mobbin (mobbin.com)
Landing Folio (landingfolio.com)
Lapa Ninja (lapa.ninja)
One Page Love (onepagelove.com)

I hope these tips help you get started in UX/UI design! Good luck on your journey.

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